Nastia Golovina
Motion graphics explorations
During the 3 week course I learned AfterEffects, played with animation and motion graphics
First we played with shapes so that later we can animate them into looping animation
That was the final result for this geometric animation
Animation of the logo for the Andorra Snow Summit 2024
The task was to
1) Redesign the logo to make it cleaner and more modern
2) Animate the logo for videos
Original logo
That was the final result for this geometric animation
3D Graphics exploration
During our 3 weeks course I learned main principles od 3D design, learned how to work in Cinema 4D
The task was to create the scene with 3D Geometric objects.
First of all again I played with the sketches:
After more exploration and working in Cinema 4D this is the final render
What did I learn?
The most important thing for me as a designer is to be able to quickly learn new skills, to always imrove and be able to experiment with different areas. Because you never know when exactly your skills might be needed.
To leaarn and to understand basics of animation and 3D for me was a good start into these skills and I keep learning it by doing small personal projects